fearlessness of wrongdoing (anottappa) II 4
(3), 13
fear of wrongdoing (ottappa) II 5
feeling (vedan±) I 2, 4, 5, 13, 16, 17; II 2
(2); III 2-4; VIII 3 (6, 7)
femininity (itthatta) VI 3 (4), 24
fetter (sa½yojana) VII 10, 11, 14; IX 38, 40,
final knowledge (aññ±) VII 18, 22
fine-material plane (r³pabh³mi) I 3, 18-20;
III 9, 20, 22; IV 27, 28, 29; V 6, 40; life
spans V 14; matter in VI 27-29; rebirth-
linking V 13, 31
fine-material sphere (r³p±vacara): con-
sciousness I 3, 18-21; III 21; kamma
V 25, 31; rebirth III 17, 39; results III 9;
V 13, 31. See also jh±na; sublime
fire element (tejodh±tu) III 16; VI 3
(1), 12
flood (ogha) VII 4, 14
foulness (asubha) IX 7
Four Great Kings (c±tummah±r±jik±)
V 5,12
fruition (phala) I 27, 28, 31-32; III 18;
IV 14, 15, 16, 22; IX 34, 36, 44; attain–
ment of (°sam±patti) IV 22; IX 37, 42
functional (kiriya, kriy±) I 3, 10; IV 15-16;
fine-material sphere I 20, 21; immaterial
sphere I 24, 25; sense sphere I 15, 16;
II 15, 23-24, 25; III 18, IV 17
future (an±gata) III 17; VIII 5
giving (d±na) V 24
gods (dev±) V 5, 11, 12; IX 8
great essential (mah±bh³ta) III 4, 16; VI 2,
(1); VIII 20, 21, 22; IX 11
greed (lobha) I 4; II 4
(5), 13-14; III 5-7;
(7, 8); -rooted consciousness I 4, 7;
II 13-14, 26
happiness (sukha) I 18-20
hatred (dosa) I 4, II 4
(8), 13-14, 26; III 5-7;
V 23; -rooted consciousness I 5, 7
hearing (savana) III 8, 9
heart-base (hadayavatthu) III 20, 21; V 37;
VI 3
(5), 14; VIII 16, 20, 21, 22, 25
heinous crimes (±nantariyakamma) V 19
hell (niraya) V 4
hindrance (n²varaºa) I 18-20; VIII 8, 14
human beings (manuss±) III 9; V 5, 11
ignorance (avijj±) V 37; VIII 3
(1), 7, 8, 9,
10. See also delusion
illimitable (appamaññ±) II 7, 15, 19, 23, 25;
III 18; IX 9
ill will (vy±p±da) V 22
impermanence (aniccat±) VI 4; IX 23, 32,
35, 36
immaterial attainments (±ruppa). See jh±na:
immaterial plane (ar³pabh³mi) I 3, 22-24;
III 20, 22; IV 27, 29; V 7, 40; life spans
V 16; rebirth-linking V 15, 32
immaterial sphere (ar³p±vacara): con-
sciousness I 3, 22-25, 32; III 18, 21;
kamma V 26, 32; rebirth III 17; V 39; re-
sults III 9; V 15, 32
indeterminate (aby±kata) I 3, 8, 12; III 5-7
individual (puggala) III 13; IV 24-26;
IX 38-41
Indriyabh±van± Sutta IV 17
infinite consciousness, base of (viññ±ºañ-
c±yatana) I 22-24; V 7; IX 19
infinite space, base of (±k±s±nañc±yatana)
I 22-24; V 7; IX 19
initial application (vitakka) I 18-20; II 2
(1), 11; IV 14
inseparable matter (avinibbhogar³pa) VI 7,
insight (vipassan±) I 26-28, 30-31; IX 22-
44; imperfections of IX 32; knowledges
IX 25, 32-33; leading to emergence IX 34,
intimation (viññatti). See bodily intimation;
vocal intimation
investigating (sant²raºa) I 8, 9; II 28; III 8,
9, 10, 14; IV 6, 17, 18; and rebirth-link-
ing III 9, 10; V 10, 11, 27, 28, 29; and reg-
istration III 9, 10; IV 17
javana III 8
(12), 9, 10, 13, 14, 17; V 20, 38;
VI 11; VIII 13; absorption IV 14, 15, 16,
22, 23; by individuals IV 24-26; by planes
IV 27; sense-sphere IV 6, 12-13, 17, 18,
21, 23
jh±na: attainment of I 3; IV 14; IX 15, 18;
condition VIII 14; factors I 18-20; II 25;
VII 16, 22, 23; VIII 14; fine-material I 3,
18-20, 21, 25; II 21-22; IV 16; V 6, 25, 40;
immaterial I 22-24, 25, 32; IV 16; V 7, 26,
40; IX 12, 19; rebirth and V 6, 31, 39, 40;
supramundane I 30-31, 32; II 19; VII 32-
33. See also absorption; sublime
joy (somanassa) I 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18-
20; III 2-4; IV 15-16, 17; VI 11
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